Thursday, August 29, 2013

Fast Tech Product Review

Sometimes, you gotta order some extra parts from China..... and the price was just RIGHT on these..... NOW , I also ordered some 900mah eGo style batteries from them.. THESE crapped out very quickly and I would not order those again.. you get what you pay for. However, for cheap clearomizers, I would hit up again and again ( and have.... )

These are a standard 2.4ohm, but they are NOT rebuildable.

The green on the left is a flat tip one I ordered individually for $1.74.

The rest was a 6 pack for $8.35.
Free shipping.

These are good for one flavour. They are hard to clean, and whatever flavour was in them tends to linger. BUT for a cheap disposable ( when it burns out, its done) the price is right. I've been using them pretty consistently for a month, rotating between my flavours and they are still holding strong.

4/5 for price, convenience, and quality so far.

Vape United LLC ( AKA LividRose's Juice Crack)

Let me get started by apologising for the horrid picture.... Not sure where the good camera was today... I'd also like to state, although I am in no way affiliated with Vape United..... They are my Juice GO TOO. is run by Justin and Aaron. Though I haven't had a lot of interactions with Aaron, Justin has been a GOD send in my journey to vaping... He has tolerated every stupid question I could have googled the answer too with a smile and always happy to assist me and give me great advice as I entered into this work.

Now, that being said, I will still be honest on his juice reviews :) But man, its hard to give him a bad review because he proved amazing quality in juice, customer service and care. AND really has some of the best prices around.

SO to start, my first order from VU was three 5 ml bottles had VU's standard 60pg/40vg ratio and a 18mg nicotine level.

First off:

MONSTER JUICE : I tried Vu's monster juice after I had one experience with another " Monster Energy drink style" juice from Boca vapes. Where Boca's reminded me heavily of the Sugar Free Monster, VU's Monster juice was MUCH closer to a classic Monster Energy Drink. Great flavour over all, good vapour production, medium throat hit and an all around enjoyable All Day Vape. Now, if only he can get that caffine in there too, all my habits will be satiated in one go! I felt that the 60/40 ratio gave much better vapour production, however, seemed to burn up quickly... ooor it MIGHT have been that I am used to a 50/50.... and REALLY enjoyed this juice......that might have been why it went by faster. Definitely a juice to try if you want that Monster taste! 4.5/5

Blueberry Tobacco : This one right out of the mail box didn't do it for me personally, BUT my boyfriend fell in love and vaped it out of exhistance quite quickly. The tobacco is mild and helps to mute out any over sweetness from the Blueberry. The blueberry is bold though, and very pleasant.Fruity but not overly sweet. After steeping a little bit, it reminded me of Blueberry buttermilk pancakes in the end..Great vapour production on this one as well as a GOOD strong throat hit.  Not an all day vape for myself, but the boyfriend deffinately all day vaped it away so I'll give it a good 4/5

Cotton Candy : Heads up, This is a steeper. Straight out of the mail box I was slightly disappointed in this juice. I could taste the cotton candy and it was dead on, BUT VERY light flavour.. Vapour production rocked, throat hit was gentle but there..... but I wanted that melting in my mouth cotton candy... Steeped for about a week and the flavour improved to a more bold cotton candy... But still very mild... the taste is fantastic for what its worth. Just wish it had been strong. This is a great dessert vape and I would happily enjoy it again.  If you like the lighter flavours, this is good. 3.5/5

Until next time!

<3 Livid Rose

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Alas, poor drip tip... I knew thee well...

SO I go to lovingly fill up my boyfriends clearomizers so he can go off to work with them.... and upon removing this one from his case, the tip breaks off.... HOWEVER... the second peice pictures with the metal threading? Yeah... it was still in there... Needless to say, a Pair of tweezers, some cursing and a lot of effort I saved the tank for another day.... And another drip tip!!

This is a good example of why its good to have extras/backups/a hoard
of vaping supplies. You never know when a battery is going to loose charge, or worse, crap out on you... Some juices can crack tanks, some vapers ( I dont know who) Break their gear.

Needless to say, I look at this as an opportunity to buy more!!!!

Until next time.

<3 Livid Rose

Thursday, August 22, 2013

"Designer Juice" Mad Murdock's Radiator Pluid

Even before I had begun 'vaping', I had heard the name " Pluid" before.  I knew this was a 'designer' e liquid... This stuff is harder to find for sale then a prostitute with out the clap.

There is a HUGE fan base for this juice. It comes in stock and flies off and is " currently unavailable" with in an hour.

Pluid is suppose to be reminiscent of Absinthe, the Green Fairy drink.

This was a wonderful score for myself as a newbie vapor. I won it on a notorious " Facebook Share " contest. 30ml at 20mg nicotine strength.

The wonderful person I won it from was Vapor Chaser, a blogger on facebook. Now, He was nice enough to throw a super newbie ( I had 1 clearomizer tank and 1 eGo 650 battery to my name) a Kanger Mini Protank ( Brand new!) AND a eGo starter kit with 2 upgrade Joye eGo batteries, 2 clearomizers , a charger and a nice black case.... <3 There are amazing people out there for you newbies unsure where to start.. I love the vaping community...

back on task.. The REASON he sent me the Kanger min protank is this... Its Pyrex glass... you MUST have this to vape Pluid because it WILL crack and destroy plastic ( that's not a good sign...)

The kanger mini protank goes for around $15.

First impressions of the Pluid... Licorice.. Strong licorice with a... Jager under tone... Good vapor production... Sickeningly sweet though.. almost nauseating... it is STRONG... I liked it.... it wasn't bad the first day.... Decide to try it again the second day....

Now, the next thing I know... the flavour is STILL very strong.... sickeningly so...that licorice over powers.... So if you LOVE licorice... THIS is for you...

The big down side? 24 hours in a mini protank and it ATE the seal and I immediately began to have serious leakage problems :( :(

Over all, I do not understand what the hype is. It's a name brand... This is the Abercrombie and Fitch of the vaping world apparently.... Which means... that's $50 for a Tshirt..... ( Yes, I did just reference Macklemoore, do not judge me)

If you like licorice and have a pyrex tank you don't mind possibly dying on you.. Go for it... this stuff runs about $20 a bottle when you can find it...if you can find it...

Needless to say, because of the huge cult following for it, it was quite easy for me to trade it off for a bottle of something new to try!

so, as far as flavour, vapour production and quality of juice... 3/5...

because it destroyed my beautiful mini protank.... 2/5...

I don't see the hype, but then again, I also get my t-shirts at the good will ;)

Until next time!

<3 Livid Rose

Boca Vapes 5 Juice review

Hello Hello! Today, we are reviewing a Florida E liquid company " Boca Vapes" . I had the pleasure of discovering them through facebook and actually won these 4 bottles on one of their " share to win" contests ( YEAH I know right, people actually WIN on those things)

Pictured are the 4 flavours a won but I will be reviewing 5 flavours. ( I later purchased a 30ml bottle of the green raptor and they threw in a free 10ml!)

First up:

Cherry Tobacco 18mg 50pg/50vg:
 Slightly musky tobacco, not to artificially drug tasting, which is a a common complaint among 'tobacco' flavoured e liquid in the vaping community. The cherry isn't chemically, not too reminisant of a cherry cough syrup..  just that " artificial Cherry" vibe. Good vapor production. I vaped this all day the first day and have come back to it several times since. 4/5 on this one

Lemon Ice 18mg 50pg/50vg:
I will disclaim this: I apparently do not like lemon e liquid. SO although I did not CARE of it.. this one was vapeable. As the name suggests, Lemon Ice is a cool lemon.... meaning MENTHOL.Good thick vapour production. The intake is definitely lemony, and the out take is definitely menthol. I immediately thought of Halls cough drops ( which I despise) HOWEVER I wont knock this, BECAUSE my boyfriend adored it. Meaning it is NOT bad e liquid, my tongue just didn't like it. So, he's all for it, I'm not. So I'll give it a 3/5. If you like Menthol and you like Lemon, and you actually enjoy cough drops.... Go for it!

Green Raptor 18mg 50pg/50vg:
Damn... Just damn.... "Monster Type" sums it up. Upon first few hits, I will give it this... it NAILED the energy drink.. Though to me, it reminds me more of the sugar free monsters... Good copycat of my favourite energy drink though!! Vapor production is awesome, throat hit is good too. This bottle was a house hold hit, and I quickly had to order a 30ml bottle...And actually need to order another as I am down to my last 5ml. This is an ALL DAY VAPE for us. 5/5 easily.

Smelling Melony 18mg 50pg/50vg:
LOVED the way it smelt the moment I took the lid off.
 Some hits were very honey dew, then the next was very cantalope. Enjoyable all around. The vapour production on this juice is a little lighter... throat hit is also light, BUT I can look past that for the flavour. this is an ALL DAY VAPE in our house hold as well. 5/5

And finally... Though not pictured, when I ordered my 30ml of the Green Raptor, I also recieved a FREE ( I love free) 10ml of " Lemon Fancy"...


yes.... I know... Didn't I just get done saying I didn't like lemon.... It's okay though! I knew I would suck it up and give this one a shot anyways...


Lemon Fancy 18mg 50pg/50vg:
Good vapour production. Lighter throat hit... to me it was perfumey... sort of a " Lemon in your glass of water" vibe to it... But I couldn't get myself to keep vaping it... Boyfriend didn't mind it, but definitely preferred the lemon with some menthol blast to it. Over all, this one was disappointing.. Again, if you like Lemon, you can give it a shot... but for this Anti-Lemoner, I will give it a 1/5 from me....

And that's my wrap up on Boca Vapes that I have tried! I still have a LIST of flavours from them I want to try ( Grr money money money) SO you will eventually hear more about them from me!

My last note, Check them out. Great customer service. Friendly and personable. Like them on facebook.

Until next time!

<3 Livid Rose

A cheap eGo knock off starter kit

My first vaping purchase was a $22 ' ego starter kit'. This was NOT a name brand Joye eGo. It came with a zippered case that was too small to fit the device, a 650 battery, a clearomizer tank,a USB charger, and a small empty bottle with a needle tip.

Needless to say, I did learn that I could have gotten all this for about $8 from China... or even more at a designer ' vaping shop'....

The device is still running well to this day... the 650 battery usually lasts me about 6--8 hours depending on how abusive I am with it. ( Some days I grumble and need a new battery way before I'm ready)

Also pictured is a 10ml bottle of " Marzipan" flavoured e liquid by " Grissy" I also aquired on ebay ( You live on learn... buy this stuff legit from a place... Might I suggest ) 

So this post shall be a review on both! As for the starter eGo kit, Haven't had an issue. It was something not too expensive to get me started while I was still to scared to invest any real money. I will give it a SOLID 4/5 because it did get me where I am today. Cigarette free...

As for the ELiquid this go around: It was ok.. light flavour.. more Vanilla then a real Marzipan... it kept me going until I could order some real juice.  Though I would not by it again, i still vape the little bit of it i have left from time to time. Light to medium vapor production. So, " Marzipan Vapor Liquid by Grissy" @ 18mg I will give a 3/5.

Until my next product review :)

<3 Livid Rose

In the beginning...

*cough cough hack hack*
Ahem. Well then.... To begin, this blog is a journey... a transition... a revelation that it IS possible to stop smoking but still get to enjoy that ' smoke break ' feel.

I have been smoking on and off since I was 15..., ( Yeah yeah, I know, for shaaame)

The worst started as I entered a very high stress job ( don't ever Manage a restaurant if you want to remain sane, just sayin' ) I began smoking 2 packs a day of Marb Smooth 100s.....

Though since leaving that job I had slowed down, and I even managed to get down to two cigarettes a day during my last pregnancy, I was never able to kick the habit.

Until a month ago... I finally jumped into that " vaping" ban wagon.
I'm sure you've heard of it, those silly little E-cigarettes are sold in all gas stations..
I'd tried a few of those and frankly... They taste like Meth. If you ever wonder " hey, I wonder what meth tastes like" go buy a $8 disposable gas station E-cigarette and you'll know... If that's all you've tried... you will NEVER kick the stinky cigarette habit....

BUT.... it is possible to vape..... truely vape and enjoy...

First, a little back ground for anyone who doesn't know a lot ( I sure didn't)

There are many types of E-cigarettes....

There's disposable ones at the gas stations, expensive reusable batteries with cartriges ( Example: Blu) then there are these bigger devices that, frankly, intimidated me..... BUT I decided to join the band wagon...

I ordered a eGo starter kit with a clearomizer ... and fell in love....
I get the lovely nicotine I want with OUT the 4000 other harmful chemicals that are in cigarettes... I do not stink... there is no offensive odor... Frankly, the vapor exhaled smells awesome depending on what you have in the tank! AND I was off and running! I quickly ordered more batteries, more Clearomizer tanks and I even one some contests on Facebook and got some AWESOME juice to try... I am in love....

Where is all this leading? WELL. Now I'm actively learning more and more... Finding out that you can BUILD mods..... anything can become a battery case....ANYTHING....

and it begins... So, now that my ADHD back ground post has come to a close... The point of this blog? I wish to share my experiences with anyone out there curious about a Juice ( the nicotine liquid) that they haven't tried before, Anyone interested to know how well something I have been using has worked and so on and so forth.... Every juice I taste, every item I sample... I will be sharing with YOU....Let the fun begin :)

<3 Livid Rose